What software do I need to use these products?

You have to have Sketch or Figma or Adobe XD or Photoshop or Illustrator to use these products.

Are the kits include any photos that I can use for my projects?

Photos represented in the product preview are for demonstration only and are not included in the kits. However you can find most of them on http://unsplash.com/.

I have a problem with one of the products. How can I get help?

If you have any problems of the product you’ve purchased. please contact us.

Why should I create an account?

We carefully secure all of your purchases in your account, and we periodically have special offers for our members.

Why do download links expire?

Yes, all file download links sent in purchase receipts or email expire after 24 hours. Once a download link is expired, it cannot be used again. The purpose of this feature is to prevent someone from sharing their download links in a public forum, resell or another website. Please contact us if you have any problem of downloading your products.

Why do I need to enter the billing address?

Billing address is a requirement because address verification helps to reduce credit card fraud.

What currency are your prices in?

All prices on UI Place website is in US Dollars (USD).

Do you provide refunds?

We do not issue refunds for digital products once the order is confirmed and the product is sent. We can issue a refund if there is a technical problem and we can’t help you to resolve the matter.

There is no obligation to provide a refund or credit in the any situations, for example:

  • You changed your mind about an item;

  • You bought an item by mistake;

  • You do not have sufficient expertise to use an item.

Can I use the item for a client’s end product?

Yes, you are allowed to create an end product for your clients and charge them for your services.

Can I convert a purchased product into a theme or template?

No, you’re not allowed to sell or distribute the products on your website or marketplaces like ThemeForest, Creative Market, etc. (even for free) as well as resell, lease, license, sublicense or redistribute a purchased product on its own (even for free).